“Our past is a story existing only in our minds. Look, analyze, understand, and forgive. Then, as quickly as possible, chuck it.” ~Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New America

Influenced by Bob Perelman

We live in a country that has no identity.
It stands alone but stands up for itself.
The weather changes and transforms from state to state.
It never let's you know what is coming.
A vast land of every culture and every race, without its own.
Survival is among the workaholics of the middle class, the bums who live off the government, and the rich who started with money.
A well oiled machine.
They say it is always the right time for change.
But who will start it?
I'd rather be in American then anywhere else
Because we provided for ourselves through every historical event that through us for a loop.
The hope is that it continues.
America should judge others less while helping itself for more.
We do right, but we don't get credit.
We do wrong, and we never see the end of it.
Cities that have connected our world to the rest of reality.
Technology that could bring us into the future.
The young minds to take us there.
The young minds waiting to be told what to do.
The young minds who have given up on the old and have already started working.
Remember your mind keeps you alive.
Don't let it be lost.
Think of the generations to come.
What will they have if we mess up?
We mustn't stop to think.
But we must remember to breath.
Never have a day to yourself until you realize you need one.
Don't become wired in to long or you will lose yourself.
Get work done, play later.
But remember you can only do as much as you choose to dream.

America is a great state, but we have to remember no matter what even if we aren't actually here, if we don't do something to change the world we live in, it will be destroyed. We will have committed suicide to a race of "intelligent" beings.

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