“Our past is a story existing only in our minds. Look, analyze, understand, and forgive. Then, as quickly as possible, chuck it.” ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spinning Away

As I get in the elevator of my building, I wait for the door to close. My mp3 player starts to play Spinning Away by Sugar Ray as the door shuts and I jump up in excitement. It's finally here. Spring Break! It is here and it is going to take me away from my little piece of home, State College. School is done for a week and I get to just have a little fun with my friends. I dance around the elevator, dinging through each floor. As the door slides open to the six floor, I have a big smile on my face and I can't help, but laugh at what someone would think if they had seen me waltzing with myself in the elevator. I unlock my door to my small apartment and crash onto my bed and the music fades.

I hope that everyone gets the chance to have a piece of mind while they are on their break, whether you are going to kick back at a lake house with friends, or sip a cool drink by the blue ocean waves, or chill on your sofa with family.

It's been a hard first part of semester in many ways. For me, it's been a journey that I really didn't expect. I grew up a lot in a few months and that may sound sort of crazy, but I just see the world very differently because of the things I experienced in such a period of time. I have learned to appreciate the simple things a little more and have realized that life goes on whether you want to freeze in the moment or not. The world is going to keep spinning in you are going to keep spinning with it. This being my last semester at a school I have grown to love and hate, I have realized that life isn't about growing up and going to college, it's about finding yourself wherever that may take you and you have to figure that out on your own, mo matter how much guidance you get from you friend, family, and enemies. You have to figure it out because it's an open book. Your life is what you make it and someday we will all come to realize it. I have so much more to learn, so much more to experience, so much more to love and I just can't wait. I like feeling all of it, if that makes sense. For me this break will hopefully bring me some peace, some laughs, some tears, and some lasting friendships. I just hope that these memories I've made last forever. I hope I can remember them when I'm old and farty.

So cheers to a wonderful break if you get one! And for those of you that must keep plugging away find sometime for you and spin away...

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